Printable PDF downloads to help you check in with your goals each quarter, plus dive deep into specific topics of self development.


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Moments of Success

Fall 2020

Times are still hard, but we’re settling in, finding our footing, and continuing onwards. I think that in itself is one of the biggest accomplishments so this quarter, let’s celebrate our moments of success and find new ones in our current life.

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Summer 2020

I wanted to share this time resources to help us stay accountable. I hope that we have all taken on some new goals to better the world and we need to find ways to make sure we follow through with our intentions.

I've also included a worksheet that has helped me recognize my privilege and hopefully help my communities in doing the same. I made using the guidelines thanks to Ijeoma Oluo's So You Want to Talk about Race in order to learn about what privilege is, the ways I've benefited from it, and how I can use it to help others. With this worksheet or not, I hope we all take some time to think and listen.



Spring 2020

Something we're always talking about at Comeback is checking in on your goals. Are they progressing how I want them to? Are they still relevant to me now? Goals need adapting. For this quarter, we're focusing on essentials.


Core Mission

Winter 2020

To start the year off, I want you to reflect on why you started your projects and the main purpose behind them. Download to look back on the past few months, recognize the challenges you faced, and make plans for the next quarter.



Fall 2019

This last quarter of the year, I want you to set aside some time to think about how you can support the causes you care about – especially with your creativity.


Taking Action

Summer 2019

For the next three months, I want you to take action and make tangible progress on your goals, especially the ones you've been putting to the side.

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Small Shifts

Spring 2019

This quarter, our focus is how we can incorporate small shifts into our daily lives in order to make the most of the seasons we are in. Small changes are powerful together and they can help you break down the biggest goals into tangible progress.



Winter 2019

This quarter, as we reflect on 2018 and start thinking of 2019 (!), I wanted to encourage all of us to embrace a bit of uncertainty and let things take their course. You never know what opportunities your hard work may bring. 


Moving Forward

Fall 2018

This quarter, our focus is moving forward, so we've integrated some progress elements into the goal check-ins.



Summer 2018

This quarter, we're focusing on the world of being busy. It might be exciting to fill your schedules to the brim when you're feeling motivated, or frustrating when it feels like you've still got nothing done. To help balance the work with the fun, we've made a template that breaks down your day hour-by-hour.


Seasons of Life

Spring 2018

Our first installment of the Comeback Club is all about the seasons of life. By identifying what this season looks like for you, you can create realistic and appropriate goals for yourself that get you motivated.