Making Peace With the Chaos


I’m a planner.

Writing things down, setting up timetables and making spreadsheets is how I process information, ease my anxiety and help myself to feel in control of my life.

But, if my 19 years alive (and 2020 in particular) has taught me anything, it is that sometimes, life does not go according to plan. You can plan everything out meticulously and it can still blow up in your face because life is unpredictable and we can’t control everything. This used to bother me immensely. However, one of my greatest learnings over the past few years has been that learning to relinquish control with grace will ultimately lead to more peace, calm and happiness.

Something I believe in very strongly is that everything happens for a reason. It’s something I’ve been telling myself for years and it’s finally started to sink in. I think this is due to me realising that wasting my energy berating over things that are out of my control is a fruitless exercise. I no longer spend too much time fretting over what could’ve been. I’m still human and sometimes I do find myself in a heavy spiral of overthinking that feels impossible to break out of. But most of the time, I’m able to make peace with how things have played out, and just get on with it. 

I definitely think that this has been one of the most powerful areas of my growth. Having full trust that things will work out the way they’re meant to has also allowed me to relax a bit on the planning front. Whilst I still plan and organise, it is now done with the knowledge that it may not work out how I think it will and that that is okay. I’ve learnt that planning requires a degree of flexibility to leave a bit of wiggle room for life’s uncertainties.

One of my favourite quotes is “If something is for you, it shall not pass you.” When things don’t work out how I had hoped they would, I find these words coming back to me and offering comfort and peace.

Nabeela Parkar is one of our monthly Comeback writers. She has a keen interest in writing and would be more than happy to read her way through an entire library. She enjoys being challenged and facing tasks that require her to think for a little longer. She is fascinated by maths and science and also have a deep appreciation for the ocean, mountains and the natural world at large. She is currently in her last year of school and is on the path of deciding what to do with her life as of next year. She’s an avid believer that whilst everything happens for a reason, taking action towards achieving your goals and dreams is key.

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