Let's talk about – Asking for What You Want

Artwork by Iris Zhou

Artwork by Iris Zhou


Ask for what you want. At worst, you’ll get a no. If you don’t ask, you’ll never get it.

I have repeated these phrases to myself over and over again since I first heard it. I don’t remember who initially said it, but I remember testing this concept for the first time in an email. I was just a blogger back then, and I wanted to see if a company wanted to partner with me for a sponsored post.

My following at the time was small enough where I could actually convince myself there was nothing to lose. The distance of an email helped a bit too. It was only a test of curiosity, but I actually got a response. I got that partnership. And then I just kept on asking.

I still cold email people all the time, for interviews or for my own job search. But asking for what I want comes in many other forms. It can start by asking for what you need – whether that be more time, some space, or an answer to a question you have. It can also manifest as asking for opportunities. Ask if there’s a job opening, interest in a partnership, or time for a chat. Most people are so incredibly generous and they are looking for ways to help others in a reasonable way.

Of course, you won’t always get what you want. You’ll get negative responses or complete silence.

But, if you never asked in the first place, you would have never created the space to receive.

Others can’t know what you want or need unless you tell them. You only allow them to try to guess your needs and wants on their own.

If you look into your daily life, I know you can find an opportunity to ask for what you want. Ask for another bag at the grocery store or for an extra minute while you order at a restaurant. Ask for a potential mentor’s email, and then ask for a minute to chat. Small asks prime you for when big asks come around that could turn your life in a whole new direction.