Yes to One Too Many Things

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I often tend to realise that I’ve got too much on my plate once I’ve already said yes to one too many things. I have this mean little voice in my head that always makes me feel as if I’m not doing enough or working hard enough, even when nearly every second of my day is filled, and I’m drained. This guilt and fear of not working hard enough has often led to me taking on obligations and responsibilities that I honestly don’t have the time for or emotional capacity to deal with. Learning to recognise when I am unable to commit my time to yet another thing has been something I’ve gotten better at in the last little while.

I have realised that I need to allow myself to be overwhelmed sometimes. I’ve had to teach myself that it’s not realistic to feel happy, relaxed and in control all the time. Sometimes, life gets a bit much.

At school, I enjoyed getting involved in everything school life had to offer. But towards the end, it sometimes felt like I was trying to be in a hundred places at once. Whilst I enjoyed everything I was involved in, I started to realise what it feels like to be stretched a little too thin. For me, being overwhelmed presents itself in a very physical manner. My shoulders tense up, I don’t sleep well, and thinking about all the things I need to do is enough to make my eyes well up and my chest constrict.  Sometimes, we can be overwhelmed without even realising it. Often, I will think that I’m okay and coping, but my body will tell me otherwise, and little things start getting to me. 

However, I have realised that I need to allow myself to be overwhelmed sometimes. I’ve had to teach myself that it’s not realistic to feel happy, relaxed and in control all the time. Sometimes, life gets a bit much. Luckily, I’m starting to recognise when I need to swoop in and stop myself from falling into a bad place.

That feeling of excitement has been a trustworthy indicator that I’m ready to try something new.

When I started university I promised myself to be more intentional with my time and not allow myself to be sucked into the mentality of filling your plate just for the sake of it. I’ve found that whilst I love being involved in different things, it’s more fulfilling for me to do fewer things, in a wholehearted, attentive manner. (I didn’t get much time to practise being intentional with my time at university, because two months after moving out and into my university town, I moved back home because of the virus. But I’d like to think that some progress was made). 

On the contrary, I know I’m ready for something new when I feel restless, and in need of something fresh to look forward to. Every now and then, I’ll come across an opportunity or idea that will occupy my mind for days. That feeling of excitement has been a trustworthy indicator that I’m ready to try something new.

Nabeela Parkar is one of our monthly Comeback writers. She has a keen interest in writing and would be more than happy to read her way through an entire library. She enjoys being challenged and facing tasks that require her to think for a little longer. She is fascinated by maths and science and also have a deep appreciation for the ocean, mountains and the natural world at large. She is currently in her last year of school and is on the path of deciding what to do with her life as of next year. She’s an avid believer that whilst everything happens for a reason, taking action towards achieving your goals and dreams is key.